Gays and lesbians, I think, are more separated that larger society. Sad but true.
There's the "black" LGBTQ community and then there is the "white" LGBTQ community. I mean, I see evidence of it everyday. Example: my girlfriend doesn't like the L-Word because they're white lesbians. One time, she and her friends when to this new gay club only to find that it was something "straight out of the L-Word." Example 2: Though there is a thriving "white" (sorry... just being honest... they are not like me... =( sad but true) LGBT community at my school, I really don't associate with any of the lesbians (who by the way seem like really cool people) for the simple fact other than sexual orientation, I have nothing in common with them. They can sit listening to Melissa Etheridge (forgive me if I misspelled) and be happy for an entire day but I like GOSPEL music (lol) which some of them are against (religion, that is)... or maybe I'm just a weird loner... either way, we don't mix.

Granted, the show The L Word could do a little better to be more inclusive of the entire gay community. I mean, not to go off on a tangent or anything but Tasha is not a really good description of a black stud lesbian... sorry. I mean, she's hella sexy and she could get it ANY day but (and let's not forget about Papi's sexy latina ass)... she ain't like other black studs. And going to a gay club on The L Word is not exactly like going to one in Detroit... but still...
I think it's so dumb that the community is so separated. We are already marginalized in society for our sexual orientations, why divide ourselves even more on the basis of race and/or culture? It doesn't make much sense to me...
I love The L Word... and even though I don't have Showtime, I always catch it on DVD when the season's over cause that's my shit. Even though I don't see lesbian life the way I live it everyday and it's different doesn't mean it's bad.
But I definitely wouldn't complain if they came out with a more... Afro-American centric lesbian show... like Noah's Arc for lesbians... I'll be the first one in line to watch it!
That's my tirade of the night.
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